February 19, 2025

The Pros and Cons to Gated Communities

Living in a gated community has undoubtedly become more and more popular as the years have gone on.

Although gated communities have been around for years and years, they carry the symbol of upper-class, wealth and luxury now more than ever before.

Though living behind gates is something that many Americans covet, there are others who find massive gates and 24-hour guards on duty a bit too restrictive.

Of course, there are both benefits and drawbacks to living behind gates.

A February 25, 2007 article by Gayle Pollard Terry of The Los Angeles Times, “Do fence me in,” takes a look at life behind the gates.

The most prominent underlying reason why so many Americans now want a house behind gates is probably because of the “status symbol” that goes along with owning a home that is protected.
“Gated communities, in fact, are the fastest-growing form of housing in the U.S., according to census data. Why? Those who opt for gates point to reduced crime and traffic, a safer environment for children and the prestige of living somewhere that’s exclusive. But not everyone likes being sealed off from the world. Some people view gates as elitist or don’t want the bother of calling the guards each time a visitor is expected.”

There are various levels of protection you will find in gated communities around the U.S. from ones that always have a guard on duty to check ids and so-forth, to communities that have an automatic gate that opens and closes with a swipe of a residents’ card.

It all depends on a variety of different factors, and how much protection and privacy you need and want.

Regardless of the level of protection and type of gated community a home is in; homes behind gates all share one thing in common and that is they tend to have higher price tags than similar homes outside of gates.

This makes owning one of these homes even more attractive for a potential buyer.
“Whether new or old, suburban or urban, surrounded by affluence or a gritty neighborhood, a secured perimeter with controlled access generally makes a home more expensive. The view on the ground in Southern California comes from John Karevoll, chief analyst for DataQuick Information Systems, a La Jolla-based real estate research firm. ‘There is initially a bit more value to those properties. In general, 5{ef6a2958fe8e96bc49a2b3c1c7204a1bbdb5dac70ce68e07dc54113a68252ca4} to 7{ef6a2958fe8e96bc49a2b3c1c7204a1bbdb5dac70ce68e07dc54113a68252ca4}.'”

But in the end, there are maintenance costs and dues in many of the neighborhood that diminishes this initial increased value.

The main drawbacks to living behind gates are probably associated with the feeling of being “locked in” or “imprisoned,” and always having your comings and goings monitored by a guard.
“Even when money is not an issue, many people shun gated communities. Some dislike the idea of someone keeping tabs on their comings and goings. Agent Rogers recalled staying out past curfew when he was a teenager. ‘The guard on the gate would tell my dad, and he would ground me.'”

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