With any situation in life it’s important to weigh the pros and cons, especially in financial situation. If a person does not weigh the pros and cons of a financial situation, then that person may find themselves in debt, or without sufficient funds to live on. So, when understanding this, it is perfectly reasonable to understand why so many qualifying senior citizens are apprehensive about what are called Reverse Mortgages. Reverse mortgages are mortgage loans only available for senior citizens who are 62 years of age or older. Reverse mortgage loans require the lender to pay the borrower (homeowner) instead of the other way around (which is common in regular mortgages).
For senior citizens 62 years or older that qualify for reverse mortgages, it’s easy to immediately notice the pros of the loan. However, since senior citizens have so much more experience under their belts than other younger Americans, it is common that they would want to know more information in order to further weigh the Reverse Mortgage Pros and Cons. However, the more a senior citizen weighs the Reverse Mortgage Pros and Cons, the more that same citizen will realize there are no cons, and only pros. How is that possible? Well, read more to find out.
First of all, the money that is paid to the homeowner by the lender is un-taxed, and does not need to be paid back. Also, the homeowner can do whatever he or she wants with the money received, and can figure out a payment plan consisting of a One Lump Sum, monthly payment, periodic line of credit, or a combination thereof. The pros of a Reverse Mortgage Pros and Cons debate become more evident when the applicant understands that his or her house will never be in danger of being taken away, which is completely contrary to the fear of foreclosure with a regular mortgage loan. Unless the homeowner willingly decides to sell his or her home, then the only way the home can be sold is either upon death, or upon incapacity to live in the home for more than 12 months.
Yet, there must be some kind of disadvantage, right? After all, the reverse mortgage loan is still a loan, and loans need to be paid back somehow. This is true, reverse mortgage loans do need to be paid back, but they are paid back through the proceeds generated by the sale of the house. If the house sells for less money than the loan amount due, then the mortgage insurance will pay it off. If the house sells for more money than the loan amount due, then the existing homeowner or heir(s) will pocket the difference. It’s clear that the debate of Reverse Mortgage Pros and Cons is clearly won by the overwhelming amount of pros, and the forfeit of the cons. Also, with un-taxed revenue being receive without having to work, the senior citizen will be able to enjoy life a lot more, and spend time with people he or she loves, as well as be able to spend time doing things he or she was not able to do before when bills were a problem.
For more information please visit our website on Reverse Mortgage
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