February 18, 2025

Loan Modification Vs Loss Mitigation Vs Short Sell Vs Refinance Vs Bankruptcy

I’ll start by explaining the difference between loan modification vs loss mitigation leads. Loan mod is when you renegotiate the terms of your mortgage by modifying the payments owed to the lender. The new terms are based on your ability or inability we should say, to pay your monthly mortgage payments. This can be done by just attaching any past due balances to the loan itself, reducing the interest rate of the mortgage or extending the term of the loan.

What’s the Difference Between Short Sell and Mortgage Modification?

Mortgage mitigation also will result in an entire new contract between the homeowner and the lender however, the favor can be shifted more toward the homeowner. The reason for this is that most times the payments are made more affordable by actually lowering the amount owed or lowering the balance as most would call it, on the property itself. In my position at The Lead Tree, I actually see many loss mitigation leads turn into deals that have shaved ten of thousands off the balance of the loan or in some cases where the homeowner doesn’t wish to keep the property, a short sell can then be made where the bank will take the property for a fraction of the balance owed and some times a short refinance is used to keep the family in the house.

In my opinion, legal mitigation is a wiser option for homeowner than loan modification because it was the homeowners who were tricked into borrowing more from the bank quite simply because the banks were accepting falsified and inflated appraisals just to try to increase profits. As a seasoned mortgage professional I watched it happening everyday. In turn it contributed to the housing crisis which then contributed to the recession. Loss Mitigation puts the blame on the bank and is a way to get the lenders to recognize their wrongdoing in the mortgage meltdown.

Loan Modification vs Bankruptcy

Loan mod vs bankruptcy shouldn’t have to be an option. It’s almost always going to be better off if you can get the lender to take some of the heat off first and use bankruptcy as a last resort.

Please visit The Lead Tree online for Mortgage Lead Generation with 100{ef6a2958fe8e96bc49a2b3c1c7204a1bbdb5dac70ce68e07dc54113a68252ca4} qualified and exclusive leads, live transfers as well as appointment setting.