Do you want extra advertising for your eBay auctions? Do you want to increase your sales? Check out the free bump auction script. This article will outline how this simple and powerful online script can work for you.
How Does It Work A Website?
A “bump auction” is an online display of 100px x 100px images uploaded by eBay sellers. The “bump” refers to the way the auctions are bumped off the display when a new one is added. The auctions include an image and a title describing the item. When items are posted they are immediately added to the display. Besides the main bump on websites some of the featured bumps where you can post your auctions may include: adult, fur, real estate, classified, bike, Harley Davidson and jewelry.
More Traffic
eBay has millions of items for sale and competition is stiff. Smart sellers are turning to other sites to drive more traffic to their auctions. Using bump auction sites will drive more traffic to your items and help increase your sales. Many of the bump auction or auction bump websites are high traffic sites. You can find a list of these sites by searching for the Top 100 Bump Sites.
Free Advertising
Bump auction sites are eBay affiliates who receive commissions from sales. There is no cost for sellers to post their auctions on these websites. This is a win win situation for both the bump auction website and the eBay seller.
Most sites allow you to post up to three auctions at a time. Do not abuse this or you may get banned. All image formats are supported except bitmap. Use the title of you eBay auction for the description as well as for the image. Do not use special characters in your description only letters and numbers, otherwise the bump will not work properly and your posting could be removed. Try the bump…today!
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