April 26, 2024


Mad about real estate

The Hardest Stains to Get Out of Carpet

Every carpet in a well-walked-upon area is going to need some commercial carpet cleaning houston tx now and then to keep it from looking dirty and dingy. Wear and tear are just a part of lining a living space. But there are some stains that come out of nowhere to besmirch your Berber or stain your Saxony, and sometimes you can prevent them if you stay alert and avoid opportunities for disaster.

Drink Don’ts

A jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou … getting a little tipsy and dribbling rosé on the rug. Maybe a tiled kitchen would be a better venue for that vino? Keep both the kids with the grape juice and the grown-ups with the coffee off the carpet as well. Artificially colored drinks will transfer their shade to your shag if you’re not careful.

Enemy Edibles

A hot dog with the works is not the best choice for chowing down in a carpeted room. Ketchup and mustard will leave their memories behind in those fibers. Chocolate may be delicious, but it’s also a hard stain to strip from a fabric floor covering. And if you’re going to finish off a meal with chewing gum, keep that sticky mass in your mouth, because you may never get it off of your pretty plush.

Household Hazards

Wipe those feet before you come inside—grease and mud don’t belong indoors. Move kids and their marker pens off the floor to a table pronto, so the ink doesn’t get where it won’t come out. Keep candles where they won’t drip wax on the wall-to-wall, and never do a project involving glue on top of something it can stick to and stain.

There will always be splotch situations you can’t predict and prevent, often involving pets, alas. But it’s worth trying to protect your carpet when you can by keeping stain-inducers off it.